Ola Fijał about a Women's Passion for Motorsport in the Men's World

Polish drift champion, YouTuber, and one of the few women in motorsport, discusses her journey from backstage to the forefront. She reveals the challenges she faced, the reaction from the motorsport community, and her preparation for competitions. She also shares insights into her social media strategy, detailing how she maintains engagement and manages a popular channel. Her story highlights the courage and key factors behind her success.
How did it happen that you became a car enthusiast and a fan of four wheels? Was extreme sports love at first sight? How did your passion for motorsport begin?
It wasn't that obvious. It all started with my dad, who always provided me weekend entertainment and was a motorsport fan, and I shared this passion with him. However, I never thought about the future in the context of motorsport. I wanted to be an actress, then a singer, and it was the same throughout high school, although I did not manage to get into drama school. Then drift came into my life because my dad started helping one competitor and I went to my first competition. Still, I did not connect my future with motorsport. I thought I was going to be taking some pictures or filming, and that's where I actually started. Later, many competitors and friends told me that if I have such background, that my dad takes care of it and I can have instructors, I can have a car, why not try it. By trial and error, I thought it might be fun to try, and that's how it started. I went to a small square, started to do exercises and probably three months later I took part in the first competition.
Martyna Wojciechowska once recalled that when, as a little girl, she told school about her desire to become a rally driver, she was laughed at. How did your community react to this idea? After all, the world of motorsport is still a highly masculine environment.
It is true, because before me there was only Karolina Pilarczyk - the only woman in Poland competing at that time. I was the second one to enter the drifting, and they even talked about us on TVN24: "After all, there are two women at the competition!" The motorsport community welcomed me very well, because I had known most of these people before, so they cheered me on. A lot of them even persuaded me to try, so I was welcomed really warmly. Later, the better I was, the less pleased the men were that someone new came and was doing something better. I have to admit that Karolina, who competed alone for 10 years, paved the way a bit and received a little more hate. At the beginning, I also tried not to stand out too much. When it comes to wrapping the car, I wanted to make it as neutral as possible, because everyone asked if it would be pink, so that you could see that a girl was driving, and I wanted to avoid it. I chose the turquoise color of the car, which is also not often chosen by men, but at least not pink, and the only shocking thing is that I would let my hair fall out from under the helmet when I left the car.
Do you have the impression that men have gained more respect over time when they see your results?
I guess so. It is known that there were also terms such as "I get an award for being a girl". I had a greater burden with my dad, who is very involved in the industry, and that was more problematic for me than being a girl. Some people said that everything I achieved was due to my dad who arranged everything, paid for and helped. Even the referees at the beginning assessed me much more harshly so that I would not get a high mark only because of my name. Initially, I did not encounter hate. It is known that sometimes when someone lost a competition to me, he said "because she was a girl". However, the men sometimes lost at the start, being very stressed by the fact that I am close to them and they may lose with me. They were actually creating a problem for themselves. I was just going to learn and master the technique, and they just focused on not losing to me.
Motosport is, above all, about overcoming your own barriers and crossing borders. Do you think it is a sport for everyone?
It is for anyone who wants to do it. There are those who have the opportunity and take advantage of it. Those who want will also find an option to do so. If you have talent, it is a slightly easier path, while when there is a little less talent, you can train it with persistence and consistency. I'm talking specifically about drifting, I don't want to comment on other topics because I have no experience. A lot of training will allow you to make yourself visible, and you also need a budget for it.
In such an extreme sport, where the adrenaline level is very high, is courage a desirable quality?
Courage definitely predisposes you. During the first competition in drift, the tracks are quite straight, especially in the lower class, and the routes are less demanding. The obstacles start when we need to accelerate to 180 km / h and skid. Courage is therefore an important quality. Young drifters, who start at the age of 12–13, have the easiest way because they have no experience and no imagination of what can happen. I always lost a lot on the fact that I was stressed and when I went out of the way, I couldn't understand that instead of braking I should add gas. For me, this is a critical situation and to save myself, it seems logical to use the brake, and here adding the gas saves you. At this point, I use the help of a spotter whom I trust and I know that when he says that I should speed up at some point, or that I should not let go, I know that it has to be done. Breaking it, so as not to subtract the gas when we approach the wall, but just to add it, is also a matter of developing certain reflexes. The more skilled we are, the longer we drive, the more this fear diminishes. However, it is not always possible to fully control it. I have one track in Poland, where I have the impression that I am afraid of it every time I drive and I have to circle a bit at the beginning to drive well there.
How long did it take you to reach the professional level? How long did you have to train to reach this level?
I quickly jumped from training on the small competition square. It was a matter of several months. I started learning at the turn of October / November, then I had a winter break and I took part in the competition right away in the spring. During the first three years of racing I achieved something and I was doing quite well, but I still think I was just learning back then. The breakthrough year for me was 2019/2020, when I decided that I had to pull myself together and put it into practice, because you cannot train only during these short trainings and competitions. And in fact in 2020, when there was a pandemic and everything was difficult, as soon as the possibility of driving on the tracks was possible again, I did more training than I had in the competition. I have been 6 or 7 times to the Kielce, on a track, and we have 7 rounds in the season. So, as long as I had the opportunity to drive anywhere or any training was available, I was there.
What are your preparations and regeneration after training? Do you follow any special diet?
When it comes to preparing for competitions, I went to the gym regularly (three times a week), and that was until the disc dislocated. It seems to me that it is not a requirement in my discipline, but exercising regularly I felt much better. I was in better shape and I didn't feel so tired after a whole day of drifting training. As for the diet, I have been on a diet all the time for several years, but mainly because I have insulin resistance and I have to pay attention to what I eat. And yes, I regenerate whenever I can. Rest is very important. I always take a day off after the weekend, when I have a competition - I sleep, rest and don't leave the house too much. In my opinion, this is not mandatory, but the quality and comfort of life improves significantly.
When doing the driving course, did you expect to become the Polish drift champion one day?
My favorite question. ☺ I tried drifting before I even had a driving license. It didn't work out at all and then I said to myself that I would absolutely not be a drifter, it was not for me and it was too late to learn it. Then I got my driving license and repeated my drifting lesson. After I drove the car a bit with my license in hand, it turned out that I was doing a little better and then I decided to take part in the competition. I passed my driving license on the fourth or fifth attempt. It took me so long that I had to take the theory exam twice, because the first one expired. It was also necessary to move from Warsaw to Łomża, because there were no more free exam dates in Warsaw, and a new theory was being introduced. However, I absolutely did not expect that I could achieve something behind the wheel, looking at how I was struggling with my driving license.
What do you think is most important to be able to get this far in this sport?
Definitely training, and also cooperation with a sports psychologist can be useful. I did not try it yet, but I am usually very stressed even right after the competition, where the training and qualifications went great for me. But when I stand at the starting line, suddenly I have the impression that I do not remember how to drive, my breathing is quickening, I am shaking. That is why I think that even if not a psychologist, but a person who will support us and whom we trust is important for the player. For me, it is my spotter who can calm me down and give me the necessary tips. However, I believe that everyone will say that training is the key, because the more we are in the car, the more experience and good habits we gain. I myself often went beyond the drift to have any experience behind the wheel. I used to go karting and cross-country skiing, I took part in KJS and from these different disciplines, I learnt skills that I later translated into drift. In addition, mechanical knowledge is also very useful, which I don’t really have unfortunately. Sometimes I leave the car in a panic that something is rumbling on the left side, and it turns out that it’s nothing, and it is actually on the right side, so that is definitely helpful, but as you can see at my example, it is not obligatory either.
What are your daily workouts like?
I don't train every day, because it's impossible to do that physically and financially. When the season is on, I try to go to some training at least once every two weeks. I train mainly at the Słomczyn, Kielce and Jastrzębie track. It looks the same every time. I used to have a moment to drive around, feel the car, now this bar is set a bit higher. We come to the track and when I drive in, I have to be at full speed right away, as if I had been driving there for an hour. Regardless of the time, I always have to be ready. I don't waste time making mistakes anymore because I'm just warming up. The rest of the training depends on the track. I already have the track in Słomczyn so well-rounded that I know it by heart, so if there are other competitors there, I try to drive in pairs right away. In Kielce, on the other hand, there is a long straight track, on which you need to accelerate and then break into the route and I go there mainly to overcome my fear and the speed barrier. It is also about not being scared during the competition and that I should be 100% ready.
How much do training conditions and financing for this sport allow in Poland?
The training that I do takes 20,000 zlotys from the budget, because this also includes fuel, all fluids, tires, car transport. Moreover, you need one or two mechanics and a spotter. It often happens that the mechanic or spotter are also drivers, so my costs decrease a bit. The supply itself costs so much, and the training sessions end differently. Sometimes things can go wrong and we'll break out a wheel, axle shaft or bolt. I once hit a wall and had half the front of the car to be replaced, so in such cases the expenses increase. It is an individual matter, but as I said, it is not cheap.
How do you deal with adversity and how do you stay motivated?
There was a moment when I decided that every competition was over and there is no need to bother so much. It is demotivating for me when something happens with the car and it is not entirely my fault. I often have such thoughts that I could do something normal, calm and not so stressful. On the other hand, as soon as I have a longer break from the competition, I am not able to function and already think where to go. The worst situation is when I am at a competition in which I do not take part, because it really triggers me. Stress is constantly with me and I have the impression that it will always accompany me because I am constantly developing and entering a higher level. Just as I used to stress that I was standing in line to start, now I think that I am stressed about completely different things. I try to control it. Yesterday at the competition, I was at the starting line, I began to breathe faster, I did not know what was happening and suddenly I realized that everything was fine. I just had to do what I have done so far and not be nervous. I made my first run so I almost lost. Fortunately, it turned out that we have overtime with the opponent and suddenly my motivation went up. I told myself that I can't let go, I have to win it and go as far as possible. It worked and immediately after that I calmed down, my body realized that I was in the right place and everything was going my way. So, stress happens often, especially when I have a long break. Then I get in the car and wonder if I can remember everything. Fortunately, muscle memory never fails :)
You are certainly followed by a lot of young people - do you find a mission in your Instagram activity, especially to show young girls that they can be who they want to be?
Initially, it was not my assumption, because I just showed my life in motorsport and how I work there. On the other hand, gradually I started to realise how many girls wrote to me and they still do. Not only girls, because a lot of people talk to me and say that I motivate them, I show that it is possible. It seems to me that every girl who competes in such a sport, and in front of a wider audience, is a motivation. I often say that there is nothing to be afraid of, because I know cases where someone will not come to the competition because they are afraid not to spoil someone's training or ride. I believe that each of us has learnt at some point and you have every right to do so, just as you have the right to make mistakes. I try to repeat this to everyone and recruit people a little. My Instagram is semi-professional. Now in motorsport, players have Instagram people and throughout the competition they do not touch the phone, someone else does it for them. It is cool and well done, but I would not be able to give my Instagram away to someone. I have to publish everything myself, because then I know that it is mine and true, not that someone is doing it for me. Even if there are fewer of these reports, or they are worse and less accurate, they probably reflect my condition and availability. Usually, if I do not post anything, I do something important in the competition, so I try to do it after. I also often did live streams after the competitions to be able to chat with people. I also make videos on YouTube, so then I do not publish on Instagram to avoid duplicating them. Social media is definitely a part of my life, and I would describe Instagram as an online diary.
You have gathered nearly 184 thousand followers on TikTok. Where and when did you first appear on social media? What was the result?
I used to work for a blogging company. I was then still at the blogging stage and they needed someone to write about motorsport. When they heard there was a girl in motorsport they were shocked. I wasn't competing at that time yet. I've been with this company for a while, but unfortunately, it closed down. I liked it and decided that I wanted to keep doing it, but I will move to Youtube. The first video I did was showing the backstage of the competition and it was more for me and the friends who were there with me. Meanwhile, it met with really great interest. Other players started sharing it. Each of them had some recordings from the competition, but they were mainly from the journeys, they promoted the company, and no one recorded from the machine park, did not show how cool the atmosphere was with all the mechanics, etc. Then I started recording these videos on a regular basis, but the first platform was probably just Facebook. A fanpage was created and I was there for the first time, and then I started Instagram. I had my private one, which I deleted, which I regret now, because I had so many nice photos there. But when I started driving, I set up a second one and people tagged my private account - it grew faster than the one I cared about, so I deleted "Ola Fijał" and only "Turbosztos" remained. I'm on Facebook, of course, I am not a fan of it. I post some information there from time to time. I also have a TikTok and Twitter account. On the latter, however, I use to read about some Internet dramas more than posting something myself.
How do you use social networks and what are their benefits? What does TikTok help you with and does it contribute to your career development?
It is definitely quite helpful when it comes to finding a sponsor. It is known that the skills and the driving itself are important, although the way I present myself outside the competition is also of interest to the sponsor. I often get some cooperation because I am a girl in motorsport and I have Internet reach. Instagram and TikTok alone contribute to recognition. My friends on the team always laughed that I was a clown on the Internet, and then we went to the fair. I was just starting out then, and they were so professional. There was a crowd waiting for me for photos and posters, and they stood and watched. Then they said, "Gosh, I guess what you're doing makes sense." Now it all comes together. Each player runs a social media and has Instagram, and some of the brave ones also record on TikTok.
Your audience is often young people. Do you feel responsible for the content you publish?
Having an account that makes large reach is a very big responsibility. I have noticed that my followers are growing up with me. When I was younger, they were younger too, but they get older with me. However, thanks to TikTok, a lot of young audiences appear. Recently, at a competition, a girl approached me and I thought she wanted a photo. It turned out that we do not take pictures anymore, but record TikToks ☺ So yesterday at the competition, with a large number of people, I was recording with a little girl how we were dancing to the crew's song. On the one hand, I felt embarrassed because people were looking at me, but on the other hand, I knew that she wanted it so much and I wanted to make her happy. Her dad, who recorded it, was glad I agreed, but I think he felt a little sorry for me. Nevertheless, it was also a nice experience. I usually pay attention to the content I publish, because maybe I haven't caused a scandal yet, but I have quite a specific sense of humor and when someone is with me longer, they understand it, but when someone is new, there is a problem. For example, when it comes to TikTok, I have some regular followers who know me, but when a video goes viral and hits the main wall, it reaches people who don't know who I am, and this video for some reason was shown to them. Once I had it like this that I had to explain something that it was a joke. It was a video with a mechanic, during which I said that I did not come here to be insulted, but to change my wheels, he says there is ’insulting’ in his schedule, and I said that I have in my schedule "You are not working tomorrow". It was at my workshop and we are talking jokingly there. On TikTok, people told me that I am a little blasé girl who came to some workshop and thinks she is in charge. Then I had to explain that this is my workshop, my employee, these are jokes and no one has fired anyone. So now I find myself posting something funny, but in my opinion. I have to think ten times if I will post it and if it will make others laugh.
You have over 1000 posts published on Instagram - how much time do you spend on social media every day?
Too much :) It seems to me that I have everything on my phone. I always have a phone on me. If I don't answer, I'm probably asleep or drifting. In fact, I'm online all the time. It's a bit scary looking at it now, but I do spend a lot of my day on social media. On my Instagram, I have at least 15 posts ahead. I also have photos that are prepared in case I need to upload something quickly, and everything is in order. Whenever someone calls me and says: "Listen, we have to provide this and that information," I have probably had a post prepared for a month. I think I also spend so much time because I do it all myself. Others have some help and I do not use it. Maybe it's a mistake, but it seems to me that if I do everything myself, I'm closer to my audience. I remember that someone once asked me if I was actually responding to Instagram messages or if someone else was doing it. But I repeat, if my fans get a message from me, it's always me.
How do you handle recording training sessions? Does anyone help you with this?
Before, I had different operators, although financially during the pandemic I stopped it. I started spending more on making videos than getting money from them, so I quit. Then I made a competition rehearsal to see if I could record it all by myself, and it turned out that I can do it. The films were 25-27 minutes long, so I think there was a lot of material. Now I rather record and edit everything myself. Sometimes, when I have some cooperation or something planned in advance, I have a few friends who help me. However, I do most of the things myself. I like to do it because I have a vision in my head and only I know how to do it and possibly, if something does not work out, I can blame myself. And if more people get involved, everyone has their own ideas and tries to prove to me that what they come up with will be better, it annoys me, so I work alone.
You are active on social media on a large scale. How are you building a community and trying to keep your audience's attention? Is your content a planned strategy or "fully spontaneous"?
All my videos on YouTube are spontaneous. I had a script for my Drift and Sing show - we had to follow a pattern, because the program was also broadcasted on TV. The remaining episodes are total spontaneous. I make up something instantly. For example, I once had the idea that I would record how I showed people around our headquarters and workshop, and for an hour I thought about what to say until we finally started recording and decided that I would cut something, insert something and it would be fine. When it comes to the competition stages, it's full of spontaneity - I never know what's going to happen. I try to have a camera next to me. If I don't have a camera, I record with my phone. On Instagram, I try to plan things more, but generally I am rather chaotic.
On your Instagram we see photos from behind the wheel or pictures from your free time - but what will we not see? What are you not going to share with your audience?
A bit of my private life. Apart from competitions, I show some snowboarding trips, holidays. If I have the opportunity to prove myself in some other discipline, I also show it. I am often invited to motorsport events and more. A lot of humor appears on my Instagram story because it is the fastest form of contact with people. It is a mixture that shows where I am at any given moment and what I am doing. There would probably be a few things that I am not publishing. When I party, I try to cut down on publishing because sometimes we had fun with my friends so much that I thought the world should find out, and then at 6am I deleted such videos from my instastory. They were never bad, but when you woke up in the morning with a fresh mind, you found that maybe other people shouldn't see it. Besides, when something funny and good happens to me, I show how I implement some projects, and if I am in a bad shape, then I just don't publish and I'm not there, so it's a bit of a pretending on the Internet. I think I also run these social networks to give people entertainment rather than sorrow. Recently, a girl came to me at the competition and said that there were no videos for a long time and that I should record anything, because she likes to listen to me so much and I am so positive and I was sorry that I did not make any film during this competition. It is a motivation for me to record regularly.
Apart from admiration of your skills, do you sometimes also read unflattering opinions? Have you faced hate in your career? How do you react then?
Sometimes this hate occurs, but still there is very little of it. I think it comes with popularity. I know that in my environment there are certainly people who are unfavorable to me, who maybe have nothing against me, but they think it would be better if I didn’t compete. I am aware of this. At the beginning, I try to be neutral towards everyone, rather positive and everything is okay with us, then someone loses to me and everything turns 180 degrees. I'm the worst then, and I don't know if it's jealousy or not having the ability to lose with a girl. Sometimes on YouTube it happens that I get a comment under a video that offends me and then I wonder who has time for it. There is also such a mixture of people on TikTok. I often reply to this hate in a playful way. It's also funny that when you reply to such negative comments, the perception of this person suddenly changes and they write that they really like us ☺ I think that this hate is mainly due to the fact that people are bored and want to somehow get the attention, and it is enough to enter the profile of such a person and this hate does not affect it like that anymore.
You have your own individual style and you are unique on many levels. Being natural and honest in your message is your big advantage. In what other ways do you attract the attention of your audience and how do you want to stand out? What aspect do you place the greatest emphasis on?
It's a hard question. I think quality is very important, although if there is quality and no content and the material is uninteresting, people will turn it off. However, if the quality is a bit worse, but the person who publishes these videos is interesting and brings together the audience, the quality no longer matters so much. I do not know if I am even trying to be popular, because it seems to me that being a girl in motorsport, I have already marked my presence quite strongly. This is my main asset. I try to show people the things I do that others do not fully have access to. My channel started with this, because everyone can enter the competition, buy a ticket and watch, and not everyone can enter the competitor's tent, or the service bus, or talk to the mechanics or enter the organizer. I squeezed into places inaccessible to others and showed it on the Internet and now, when someone invites me to events, I try not to show only the event itself, but places that people at this event cannot see. And when it comes to the Internet in general, the more someone shocks, the more he will stand out, the only question is how he wants to shock.
You have large reach, high engagement rate and significant advertising potential, and thus you can influence the purchasing decisions of your recipients. Do you cooperate commercially with brands?
I get some of these offers. Currently, I'm probably lucky, because companies that I know and already use, or I would like to test myself, contact me. Recently, I had sportswear from Oceansapart. It was cool because I had seen them before and I really wanted to order things from them, and suddenly I get an e-mail that they want to send me clothes and cooperate with me. I have a manager who helps me with this and saved me from one collaboration. I was very eager then, and then it turned out that I was dealing with one of the most popular scams on the Polish Internet. Recently, I also had a cooperation with the Lego brand and here I did not hesitate for a moment, because it is a well-known brand that I have known since childhood and I‘ve tested it since I remember. There is one collaboration that I refused right away. A brand wrote to me that wanted me to promote Polish poultry. So, some funny things will happen sometimes. I always do research and don’t agree to everything, but I'm very lucky. When someone writes to me about cooperation, it's good that they don't see my reaction, because I usually jump for joy that someone has reach out to me.
What does being a sports influencer mean for you? And would you describe yourself that way?
I do not know if I would call myself that, although I am called this way. It also depends who knows me from where. I was at the event as a drifting competitor, and they associated me the most as a TikToker, and I don't identify with that. It used to be "influencer" that sounded proudly, but right now it's really a riot. I spend a lot of time on the Internet and delve into various rumors and when I see what people become influencers and start to have good cooperation, sometimes I want to stop being called that. Now all you need to do is to have a few thousand followers on Instagram and you can be an influencer. I associate it with the fact that we take any cooperation, show something on Instagram that we haven't really tested, and we take money for it. So, the meaning of the word has changed for me over the years. However, if someone calls me that, I am not offended.
Do you have any other passions besides drift? What turns you on and gives you the kick?
As I said before, I once wanted to be an actress and a singer. I went the other way, but music is something that gives me great pleasure every day. Nevertheless, drifting has become everything to me, so if I'm not drifting, I rest and hang out with my friends. Unless we can include Youtube because there are not always motorsport-related things there. Social media gives me such a stepping stone and it is a hobby of mine. But it's all about drifting anyway. Sometimes I also show myself trying some other sports. In winter it's a board, in summer sunbathing - it's also probably a sport :) Maybe I would include traveling as well, but because of the pandemic I forgot a bit about that.
Will you tell us about your plans for the future? What is your biggest motorsport dream that you haven't fulfilled yet?
Certainly, my dream is to develop all the time, to be the best and win the Polish championship in the pro class. I would also like to take part in another league, namely in the drift masters, only to be at such a level to feel comfortable there. At this point, I could go there, but the stress would probably eat me up so much that I wouldn't be able to leave my place in the machine park, and I would like to have the freedom to drive and be sure that I am going - no matter where and with whom. Besides, my dream is good equipment, because you know that talent is there, there is motivation and the equipment fails. I once said in an interview that the drift formula is my main goal. I feel that this dream may already come true, although I do not feel pressure to implement it, so as not to remain in the dream zone forever.
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