Pinterest business marketing visual content

Pinterest - Not Only a Source of Inspiration

The Pinterest icon on the iPad screen.

Pinterest - a catalogue of inspirations, a database of endless ideas. We could say all those things about that application until recently. Now we should also add that it has also become a unique business tool on which American companies earn millions.


It’s not as popular in Poland as in other countries, but the interest in the channel is constantly growing. In this text, we'll take a closer look at the app and show you how to use the full potential of Pinterest.


It is a social channel that offers its users a chance to share graphics, photos, etc. with others. The images posted on the platform are called pins, while Pinterest users are called pinners. Pinners create their own personalized boards with their own files or can simply "pin" materials from other users. The platform also gives you the possibility to like or comment on pins. Most users treat Pinterest as a mine of ideas. Pinners plan their holidays, share fashion tricks, get inspiration from other users' wedding halls decorations, etc.


Let's think - what is more eye-catching: text or picture? The answer is obvious. Images have many more views than simple texts. That’s because we are bombarded with a huge amount of information on a daily basis. We have less and less time and more and more facts to process. That is why it is so important to receive the intended message quickly. Visual content, i.e., online content that is mainly based on visual aids, is growing in importance. Due to such dependence, channels such as Pinterest and Instagram gain even more popularity. Pictures and graphics are easy to understand, quicker to perceive and trigger emotions. The average Internet user spends about 10 seconds on a website, so the thing which will be remembered the most is the visual content.


Answering this question is not that easy. Each business should be considered individually in this case. This social channel is directly created for a brand that bases its actions on the visual aspect. It's no secret that Pinterest is a tool with a lot of potentials and even if it does not serve as the main marketing tool of a company, it will be a great balance to your online strategy. However, you should remember that, like other social media, Pinterest also has its own rules. Creativity is key here. Normal catalogue photos may not work. You should thoroughly show the use of the given object, give it an individual character and convince followers to purchase with the photo alone. On Pinterest, it's not enough to publish content that is also shared on other media. It is worth preparing a marketing plan that will be used strictly for this channel. Many internet users mistake Pinterest and Instagram as if they were competing platforms. Sure, both platforms allow you to share your photos, but the similarities end there. Pinterest has one big advantage over Instagram which are links. Each Pin can redirect to a website or blog. Therefore, an extra source of traffic is created on the website, and thanks to it – the activity of potential customers increases!


Just like with other social platforms, Pinterest also has the option of creating a business profile LINK or changing an existing account into a business one. Thanks to this, you will get more tools useful for your company. You will get access to statistics and special widgets. While having a business account, you can check how many redirects to your website/blog come from this channel. This will allow you to understand what your customers expect from you and publish better content. There is already an opportunity to promote Pins in the US, which we all look forward to in Poland.


For now, the direct selling option "shop the look" is only available in the US, which limits the attractiveness of the social media channel for businesses purposes. However, it does not reduce the importance of the potential of this platform. Currently, Pinterest should be treated as a promotional and image tool. As the main motive for using the app is to look for inspiration - Pinterest can directly influence the purchasing decisions of its users. What is more, the content created on this platform has a longer lifespan than those shared, for example, on Facebook or Instagram. It can be updated; Pinners have permanent access to it and can find some content long after it's been published. Another interesting feature of Pinterest, which facilitates shopping, is also the possibility of visual search. This option will allow you to find products similar to those tagged in the picture.


1. Decide on vertical rather than horizontal photos as most people use the mobile version of Pinterest.

2. Plan your posts and make your wall pleasing to your follower’s eyes. Think about seasonal graphics and publish them at least one month in advance! Pinners love to stay ahead. Holidays only in December? Share your photos in November! Users will have time to get inspired.

3. Think about some catchy headlines and describe the photo. Encourage pinners to find out more about your product and make them visit your webpage.

4. Remember about keywords and hashtags. Optimizing SEO is in this case necessary.

5. Target your pins! You can target your product ads, for example, to a specific gender, location, users’ age, keywords, etc. It will also be crucial to target pinners who have already visited your website, interacted with your content or searched for pins that are similar to yours.

Who knows? Maybe you will become the initiator of the change and fully use the Pinterest’s business potential!


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social media business Pinterest marketing on Pinterest